Today, different studies have allowed us to learn more about the origin, behaviour, and functioning of the Earth's magnetic field (cmT). This phenomenon, whose knowledge has required centuries of observations and studies to answer millennia-old questions and concerns still raises some doubts about its full functioning. However, during the 17th century, the question that many asked, was whether the Earth itself was a giant magnetic field following the physical principles of a magnet began to be increasingly considered. this allowed to obtain at the beginning of the 20th century, in 1919, concrete evidence only of an empirical and experimental nature that allowed us to make the first assumptions about the origin of the cmT, correlating its causes-effects and integrating the different types of mechanisms and phenomena that occur in the interior and the exterior of the Earth. Therefore, this paper will go back in time to try to review those millennia-old assumptions made about magnetism and the cmT. It also explains, in a general and non-technical way, the origin and functioning of the cmT, what this phenomenon actually represents, and how it correlates with the overall functioning of the constantly evolving planet Earth.
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